Friday, October 5, 2012

There was a time in my younger life when I not only made fun of my mother, but  really did not fully understand where she was coming from.  Mom would constantly talk about how fast life speeds by.
A beautiful event or holiday as a family would always end each sentence the same
"God Willing".  In moms world this meant if she lived for the moment of excitement.

I stand here today and I am my mother at fifty-five years old it is my time to worry about the future!
Mom is getting on in age and it saddens me to see her not the same fast witch on a broom.  I swore at times that women had a machine or secret ring enabling her to go here and there with the speed of light.
Today emphysema took her magic locking it away for ever.

In a week and a half a jet will propel me to Florida needing prosaic after my flight.  Seeing her bright face makes me forget my nerves, well just a bit.   It has been two years since last we saw each other.  I am excited to see her, but there is a side that is not.  To view your mother in a whole new way is not easy.  Promising myself to take sadness and put it into my pocket each and everyday I am with mom.

It is not easy seeing our parents age, for we all know the reason for the fear.  Death is eminent and much closer then it ever was.  Not that age is the only factor for the Grim Reeper to come a knockin, but it does not help!
I am going to enjoy every moment in my favorite place Florida and keep any negativity buried deep.
I could do that!!!  If a mother and daughter can finally say they are friends, this is a walk in the park.

Enjoy your life everyday and embrace the good moments!!!!

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