Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Journey

Today I was reminded to look back at my lifes journey. One of my friends forced my soul and mind to meditate on my life A simple comment on my earlier works sent me on an excursion.

I was a newbee on a poetry site. Some of my poems were childlike, others full of old poison that was shedding day by day.
It showed in my poetry and in my newly found life.
I also have another gift that I always kept secret
Some call it a gift, but some with this gift call it a curse. For me personally, it is a beautiful rainbow.
Being privy to what is called visions, I was informed about my life ending at 74. Two weeks after this insight, a new found gift was added, poetry. I had to spread this beautiful gift with the world.
To some this is crazyness, but I only know the real truth about my gift of insight. It is like opening up extravagant wrapped packages as breath is held waiting for the climax.

A few weeks past since the crystal ball revealed my tale.
It starting unfolding like a queen size sheet ready to pretty up my bed.
I started looking at life through the eyes of the angels. My compassion, love, and zest for life grew like a seedling yearning for water and sun.

Standing here today, my gift of poetry has become sophisticated and refined.
There has been rumored among my colleagues that my style is changing . This is true. Waking up on a higher spiritual path is a gift from the gods. I worry less now. This alone is a present
As long as I have a roof over my head, everything is second. Recognizing that gratefulness can be as simple as seeing a morning bee has triggered a dominoe effect in my life.
Even though I do not have the means to buy certain things, they eventually find there way into my life. Gifts now come so frequently.
For this, I will remain grateful.

So making a long boring story as short as possible, poetry has changed my life for the better. I am curious if anyone reading my blog would like to join my chain and tell of their story.
Did poetry change anyones life for the better. I would be interested in hearing from you.
Or did something else life changing bring light into a once dark world.

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