Saturday, February 19, 2011

Blowing in the Wind

The time was ticking away yesterday evening as I waited with baited breath for my nephew to arrive.
I really was excited to see him.  Time lapsed between us for too long, and now the time was here.
My kitchen clock did not move fast enough, then I started to ponder.
Why do we do this to our self.  As human beings we are pushing everything in our way including time!
Sometimes I have to take a step back noticing what I am doing.  One hour from now is even closer to my demise.  Why would I want to propel closer to a time when there will be no existence?

Many of us have another tick that tocks.  I have done this too many times to even thing about.
Going into H.G. Wells time machine as I travel to the past, then future.  Finally there was a realization of this particular act does not make much sense.
Time does not exist any longer in the past.  That is why it is referred to as the past!
The future does not exist either in the present, so why do we insist on going there.
We are given past and future to learn from it.
It took many years to education myself with a true understanding of time travel.  Don't go there!
Live in the present, not even a minute from now, as a minute does not exist in present time frame.

It took many wasted years with high blood pressure and nervousness.  Time only exists in the present.
Now and then, I feel myself being pulled out of time.  I take a deep breath and plant my feet firmly in the ground as the little voice in my head says stay here with me and I slowly come back to my surroundings.
"There is no place like home" is not as corny as we think it is.  The movie "Wizard of Oz" has a great tale to tell.

I am pleased to say my nephew daughter, husband and mostly myself, had a memorable evening that will live in my heart.
Try to live for the moment and enjoy the simple things in life.  The breeze on our checks, the beautiful birds,
the colors and scent of the flowers that grace our gardens, most of all, be kind to everyone even our enemies.

Enjoy life to its fullest, for tomorrow may not exist!

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