Monday, February 14, 2011

My poem "If My Heart Could Sing"

Sitting in my favorite chair that was all too comfortable, I was watching Andrea Bocelli on channel 13.
The scene was serial.  It was the most breathtaking site.  There was Andrea, family and freinds sitting around an ambrosia fit for an Italian emperior.  But it was not an crowned aristocrate, but Andrea's home in Italy and he was singing a beautiful aria.

Everything was right, my comfy chair, the scenery and I was now being transported to a European home.
I drifted off to sleep for a quick nap.  When I awoke just 5 minutes later, Andrea was entertaining his company and the world of satelitte.  As I fell off to sleep, I left with an angel singing, and when I awoke, the angel was still singing, but now a different aria.

His voice was so beautiful, I started to cry and ran inside to compose a poem about this heavenly voice and that is how this poem was born!

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